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Instant Access Savings

Regular savings for all

We aim to deliver benefit to customers in terms of savings products and rates which remain at the front end of the market. We therefore offer a regular savings account which is now available to all.


Having researched the regular savings account market-place, we are bringing you an account which pays a higher rate of interest than our existing accounts in return for your regular savings. It’s an open-ended account (unlike many in the market-place) which means you can save for large purchases without being bound by a 12-month contract and, with 2 withdrawals per annum, it should suit most saver’s needs.

Key features

  • Instant access
  • Can be opened in business, sole name or held jointly
  • Up to 2 withdrawals per annum
  • Interest paid half-yearly
  • £25 deposit to open an account per individual or company
  • Pay money in by standing order (minimum) £25 – £1,000 (maximum)

Compensation Scheme

Your savings are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Payments under the scheme are limited to a maximum payment to any one depositor of £85,000. Click here for our FSCS document